A place for bits of fun and pieces of sorrow, all brought together in love for Peter.
Smith and Jones General Store NOW OPEN!!!
Please wander in and browse awhile...you will find a nice variety of custom made items honoring Peter, Ben and Alias Smith and Jones. I have proudly added my book, A Melancholy Life, plus Laura Moretti's novel, Fade to Black and her beautiful photo book, Picturing Pete Duel to the inventory. You are bound to find something inside that captures your fancy...simply click below to find your way to the store...
American Heritage Dictionary EXQUISITE ex·qui·site (ěk'skwĭ-zĭt, ĭk-skwĭz'ĭt) 1. adj. Characterized by intricate and beautiful design or execution: an exquisite chalice. 2. adj. Of such beauty or delicacy as to arouse intense delight: an exquisite sunset. 3. adj. Excellent; flawless: plays the piano with exquisite technique. 4. n. Pete Duel.
1 comment:
Its brilliant how you 'play' with the pictures Cherie. Keep up the good work.
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